Moon Vaults
An Innovative Way to Maximize Your Returns
Step-by-step Tutorial
Step 1: You need to hold zkMoon tokens in your wallet in order to deposit in the locked vaults.
Step 2: Choose the duration for which you wish to lock your zkMoon tokens. You can choose among 14, 30, and 60 day locked vaults.
Step 3: Click on the desired vault.
Step 4: If this is your first deposit you will need to approve spending of zkMoon tokens in your wallet.
Step 5: Click 'Lock'.
Step 6: Choose the amount of zkMoon tokens you wish to lock. You can also max out by clicking 'Max'.
Step 7: Confirm deposit by clicking 'Confirm Lock'.
Step 8: Finish the transaction in your wallet.
Step 9: Locking complete!
You will now receive auto-compounded rewards that are reinvested into your capital, making it grow exponentially. On top you will receive bonus zkMoon rewards that you can manually harvest at any point.
Locked zkMoon Vaults are an innovative feature that serves the purpose of rewarding long-term zkMoon token holders and minimizing the sell pressure that might occur as a consequence of zkMoon farmers selling the rewards they receive from investing in the zkMoon single farm.
Benefits for zkMoon holders
Greater rewards for long-term holders; Receive auto-compounding rewards; Lower selling pressure; Less dilution through emissions.
How vaults work
The vault deposits the investor's zkMoon tokens in the single zkMoon farm; When zkMoon rewards are received, the vault automatically harvests them and deposits them back into the farm, which is called auto-compounding and significantly improves the investor's returns; On top of auto-compounding rewards, the investor is entitled to bonus zkMoon rewards provided by the project treasury. These rewards accumulate separately and can be harvested at any time; Once the time lock is over, the investor can withdraw their funds or roll-over the deposit into a new lock.
Additional information
The longer the locking period, the higher the bonus zkMoon rewards received. This way long-term holding is incentivized.
Once deposited in a vault, funds cannot be withdrawn until the time lock is over; At any given time you can deposit more zkMoon tokens into the vault, but this will reset your lock time.
A 10% fee is charged each time your rewards are compounded. The zkMoon tokens collected from the fees will be burned, thus reducing the supply of zkMoon.
Auto-compounding your zkMoon rewards is where the real value of locked vaults lies. With the vaults automatically compounding your gains, you save gas fee costs and invaluable time by not having to manually harvest rewards and then reinvest them continuously, since every vault does all that automatically at a high frequency.
Besides saving you gas fees and time, auto-compounding increases your returns by a huge amount. This in itself is a hedge against the decrease in the price of zkMoon, since the amount of tokens you receive on top of your invested capital can easily outweigh any potential price drop.
Last updated